- at this time of year在(一年的)这个时节里;
- aperture of window窗口;
- angle of repose静止角;安息角;休止角;货物自然倾角;
- angle of displacement偏位角;
- angle of bend[机] 弯曲角;
- ahead of time提前;
- a rule of thumb概测法;
- bag of cement袋装水泥(美国标准每袋装94磅,合42。63公斤,我国标准每袋50公斤);
- crack of doom世界末日的霹雳;
- crack of dawnn.黎明,破晓;大清早;
- court of lawn.[法]法院;法庭;
- court of first instance一审法院(庭);
- court of ethics道德法庭
- Structure of Management Information管理信息的结构
- system of retirement[法]退休制度;
- Isle of Wight[地名] [美国] 怀特岛村;
- General Certificate of Education中学毕业证书;
- garden of Eden(<圣经>中所说亚当和夏娃所住的)伊甸园,没有罪恶的圣洁之地;
- least of all最不, 尤其;
- laugh out of courtv.一笑置之;一笑了之;置之一笑;
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